Comments on: INTERVIEW: Elemental expertise. Flawless plots. Sat, 22 May 2010 08:48:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Martin <![CDATA[Martin]]> Sat, 22 May 2010 08:48:57 +0000 <![CDATA[Well that was a huge success... it's down already! I was hoping for a proper database to store my scripts as a means to make them available to readers. I also wanted this to be a backup of all my scripts. Since it's gone without a trace, so are my backed-up scripts. We can't have trust in the internet when websites can't be held responsible for NOT supplying the service they intended. Sad, I could have used Greenwriter, but the group interested in it is just too marginal compared to e.g. Facebook. It would have taken years to establish itself. Would have been worth it, too.]]> <![CDATA[

Well that was a huge success… it’s down already!

I was hoping for a proper database to store my scripts as a means to make them available to readers. I also wanted this to be a backup of all my scripts. Since it’s gone without a trace, so are my backed-up scripts.

We can’t have trust in the internet when websites can’t be held responsible for NOT supplying the service they intended. Sad, I could have used Greenwriter, but the group interested in it is just too marginal compared to e.g. Facebook. It would have taken years to establish itself. Would have been worth it, too.

By: Tammy <![CDATA[Tammy]]> Thu, 08 Apr 2010 03:35:57 +0000 <![CDATA[I want to sort of retract. The company is still very much at fault, but the blame does not fall at Daniel Riser's feet from what I can surmise.]]> <![CDATA[

I want to sort of retract. The company is still very much at fault, but the blame does not fall at Daniel Riser’s feet from what I can surmise.

By: Tammy <![CDATA[Tammy]]> Thu, 08 Apr 2010 03:30:09 +0000 <![CDATA[Really would have been a lot nicer if the guy had any follow-through. has disappeared with a HUGE database of screenwriter contacts. VERY UNCOOL.]]> <![CDATA[

Really would have been a lot nicer if the guy had any follow-through. has disappeared with a HUGE database of screenwriter contacts. VERY UNCOOL.

By: Karl <![CDATA[Karl]]> Wed, 30 Sep 2009 22:36:19 +0000 <![CDATA[Original & Smart & Practical]]> <![CDATA[

Original & Smart & Practical

By: Bryy <![CDATA[Bryy]]> Mon, 21 Sep 2009 07:31:07 +0000 <![CDATA[Sounds very cool.]]> <![CDATA[

Sounds very cool.

By: ScriptPhD <![CDATA[ScriptPhD]]> Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:30:55 +0000 <![CDATA[Thanks Zack for this really wonderful feedback! We will be sure to pursue many other green stories in the future--it's the future of science/technology applications, that's for sure!]]> <![CDATA[

Thanks Zack for this really wonderful feedback!

We will be sure to pursue many other green stories in the future–it’s the future of science/technology applications, that’s for sure!

By: Zack <![CDATA[Zack]]> Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:23:55 +0000 <![CDATA[Very interesting interview. I'm really inspired by the initiative that has taken to reduce paper waste in Hollywood - keep up the green reporting!]]> <![CDATA[

Very interesting interview. I’m really inspired by the initiative that has taken to reduce paper waste in Hollywood – keep up the green reporting!

By: ScriptPhD <![CDATA[ScriptPhD]]> Thu, 17 Sep 2009 04:51:32 +0000 <![CDATA[Thank you so much! I really feel the same way as you. In fact, as Mr. Riser pointed out, paper waste is sort of the ugly step-child of the environmental movement; it just gets lost in the fray at some point. I think they're going to take off like hotcakes, and just like how the technology of how we shoot, market and edit movies had to change, so too will how the first basic step of the process is undertaken. Really appreciate the feedback, and thanks for mentioning schools. I've noticed a similar pattern at academic institutions.]]> <![CDATA[

Thank you so much! I really feel the same way as you. In fact, as Mr. Riser pointed out, paper waste is sort of the ugly step-child of the environmental movement; it just gets lost in the fray at some point. I think they’re going to take off like hotcakes, and just like how the technology of how we shoot, market and edit movies had to change, so too will how the first basic step of the process is undertaken.

Really appreciate the feedback, and thanks for mentioning schools. I’ve noticed a similar pattern at academic institutions.

By: N.M. Johnson <![CDATA[N.M. Johnson]]> Thu, 17 Sep 2009 04:41:44 +0000 <![CDATA[That was very well done and very informative about what truly being green in Hollywood means. I hear all the time about how schools and teachers waste paper, to the extent where they have to buy their own to offset rising costs and dwindling education funds, but I've never really take into account the sheer amount of paper screenplays produce on a daily basis. I found this interview eye-opening and rather brilliant, and I sincerely hope Hollywood takes to and the wonderful work they're undertaking.]]> <![CDATA[

That was very well done and very informative about what truly being green in Hollywood means. I hear all the time about how schools and teachers waste paper, to the extent where they have to buy their own to offset rising costs and dwindling education funds, but I’ve never really take into account the sheer amount of paper screenplays produce on a daily basis. I found this interview eye-opening and rather brilliant, and I sincerely hope Hollywood takes to and the wonderful work they’re undertaking.
