Comments on: Fall Science TV Preview(let) Part I Elemental expertise. Flawless plots. Wed, 30 Apr 2014 09:25:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bryy <![CDATA[Bryy]]> Mon, 21 Sep 2009 07:29:50 +0000 <![CDATA[I have not liked any episodes of Fringe that I have seen. It's trying too hard to be The X-Files Lite.]]> <![CDATA[

I have not liked any episodes of Fringe that I have seen. It’s trying too hard to be The X-Files Lite.

By: admin <![CDATA[admin]]> Tue, 15 Sep 2009 15:57:27 +0000 <![CDATA[Sid the Science Kid is actually VERY different in format and aim from Bill Nye. Much more geared to a different age group and uses different visual and learning techniques for conveying science concepts. I certainly love both, that I agree with. Glad you are excited about Bones and Fringe. Both terrific shows.]]> <![CDATA[

Sid the Science Kid is actually VERY different in format and aim from Bill Nye. Much more geared to a different age group and uses different visual and learning techniques for conveying science concepts.

I certainly love both, that I agree with.

Glad you are excited about Bones and Fringe. Both terrific shows.

By: Mary <![CDATA[Mary]]> Tue, 15 Sep 2009 14:41:42 +0000 <![CDATA[I am so excited about Bones and Fringe!! Walter is definitely one of the very best parts of Fringe, no doubt. He's absolutely wonderful. But you left out a very important piece: Peter is the parallel universe son!!!!! I guess this could fall under the examination of Walter and Peter's father/son relationship, but hell, I need some details on that mess ASAP! For the first time in a very long time, I jumped off the couch hollering and pointing when they showed Walter visiting Peter's grave. It has been a while since I've enjoyed a show this much. Not to mention all of the truly bad ass science involved. As for Bones, I am really watching this show for B/B now. I enjoy the cases sometimes, but really, how many nests of skeletons can by lying around in underground DC? It's like the serial killers in Vegas (CSI) and Miami (Dexter). I swear, these shows alone could account for all of the serial killers worldwide. I'm excited about getting a closer look at the Squints, too. I feel like Sid the Science Kid is copying Bill Nye the Science Guy. Bring back Bill Nye!! *parades through streets*]]> <![CDATA[

I am so excited about Bones and Fringe!! Walter is definitely one of the very best parts of Fringe, no doubt. He’s absolutely wonderful. But you left out a very important piece: Peter is the parallel universe son!!!!! I guess this could fall under the examination of Walter and Peter’s father/son relationship, but hell, I need some details on that mess ASAP! For the first time in a very long time, I jumped off the couch hollering and pointing when they showed Walter visiting Peter’s grave. It has been a while since I’ve enjoyed a show this much. Not to mention all of the truly bad ass science involved.

As for Bones, I am really watching this show for B/B now. I enjoy the cases sometimes, but really, how many nests of skeletons can by lying around in underground DC? It’s like the serial killers in Vegas (CSI) and Miami (Dexter). I swear, these shows alone could account for all of the serial killers worldwide. I’m excited about getting a closer look at the Squints, too.

I feel like Sid the Science Kid is copying Bill Nye the Science Guy. Bring back Bill Nye!! *parades through streets*
