For media inquiries, speaking engagements or advertising and sponsorship opportunities on, please contact Jovana Grbić, PhD via email.
Jovana J. Grbić was profiled in an editorial piece called “Scripted Science” by the Chemical Heritage Foundation Journal. Click on picture for a full PDF download.

Jovana J. Grbić was a featured speaker at the 2013 TEDx Columbia Engineering conference, where she discussed the role of popular media in inspiring science innovation for a better tomorrow:
Jovana J. Grbić spoke with the team at Revision3 about the science of Breaking Bad: Editor Jovana J. Grbić was quoted and profiled in a recent Philadelphia Inquirer article on the rise of geek girl culture on television. Read the full article here. Editor Jovana J. Grbić was quoted in a CNN article about the renewal of the television series ‘Fringe.’ Our consulting business also got a mention. Read the full article here. Editor Jovana J. Grbić gave an invite-only seminar at Emory University in Atlanta, GA on career advice for aspiring science advisors in entertainment and media. The presentation + podcast:
[audio:Jovana Grbic_Emory.mp3|titles=Emory Seminar on Science in Entertainment|artists=Jovana J. Grbic] Editor Jovana J. Grbić was invited to contribute to a Popular Mechanics piece on the science of television series Lost. Editor Jovana J. Grbić recorded a podcast with Unmistakable Creative host Srinivas Rao entitled “Why You Can’t Pay For Better Advertising Than Your Blog” was named to the April 2010 hotlist by the Writers Guild of America, West for outstanding new media content.
Warner Brothers Entertainment tweets’s film review of Hubble IMAX as the official face of the movie! was named by Wired Magazine’s Geek Dad blog as one of 168 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter. Follow us on Twitter here.
Editor Jovana J. Grbić gave a lecture at UCLA Film School entitled “Science, Entertainment, and a Digital World.” See the slideshow here.
“Your efforts in helping me out by improving the story with your thoughtful notes and taking the time to get the script out into the real world are very much appreciated. Your emotional involvement with the story has lightened my heart with hope, strength, confidence, and courage. The only thing I’ll say here is that you are as talented a writer as you are a great mentor.”
-Maryam Nassehpour, screenwriter and MFA candidate in the prestigious UCLA School of Film
“I thought you might be interested in learning that my book was selected as one of the top 5 biotech books at The International Bio Conference in Chicago that just took place. Your article was helpful in getting the word out there.”
-Ernesto Robles, author of The Malthusian Catastrophe, which was among the first to cover in a post entitled Forever Young: Living in an Age of Agelessness.
“Your script notes were exactly what I needed to get on track with my project. I always looked forward to receiving your insightful comments because I knew they would help me really focus my ideas and develop my story. I cannot thank you enough for your marvelous work!”
–Jennifer Coburn, author of Wife of Reilly, Tales From the Crib, The Queen Gene, and Reinventing Mona, talking about’s creative consulting services
“It is very important that as we look to the future and as we take steps ahead that we understand the implications and consequences of where we are aimed. You’re providing a crucial part of the understanding that science, especially biomedical research, requires and will create if it is to be successful. Thanks for doing your part of the project!”
–Dr. Andre Fenton, Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, regarding our post, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
“Thank you for this review. I am the person with Donate Life who has the opportunity to read the scripts. I look for one thing in particular, would a scene harm the public’s perception of organ/tissue donation to the extent that it could stop them from signing up to be a donor. Many of the episodes involve patients who receive organs quickly, which can/does occur especially for hearts and livers. But all too often the wait is long and hard.”
-Tenaya Wallace of Donate Life, responding to’s review of CBS’s Three Rivers and discussion of the realities of organ donation.
“Thanks for the review. With the help of you and people like you, we can get more laypeople turned onto science!”
–Dr. Daniel Levitin, Associate Professor of Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Music at McGill University (Montreal, Quebec) and author of the smash #1 best-seller This Is Your Brain On Music, referring to the review of “The Music Instinct”, an award-winning documentary that he co-hosted.