Retrospective: Celebrates One Year!

Our official ScriptPhD anniversary cake! We wish we could have saved a slice for all our fans!
One year ago, on today’s date, a new blog named was launched—the first of its kind. What started out as a simple idea, to write about science and technology in entertainment, has evolved and grown beyond our wildest expectations. We have met astronauts. We have hung out with the MythBusters. We have interviewed movie stars and writers. We have engaged scientists, engineers, and doctors into thinking about and discussing science in a completely new perspective. But most importantly, we have expanded our coverage to include media, advertising, and relevant pop culture topics to fully encapsulate the portrayal of science in the messages we collectively absorb. For those that have been faithfully on board since day one and for our newest fans, we wish to extend warm gratitude for the support and encouragement and a retrospective of our best work from the past year. We also share some exciting, ambitious plans for the year ahead, all under the “continue reading” cut!